

Yesterday I had a night of vivid dreams. I hadn’t dreamt in awhile. Just before I had to wake up, I had a dream in which my mother was present, as well as a female cousin of mine. As I saw my cousin’s radiant face (which really was the face of a workshop facilitator I…

My first chat with an AI

My first chat with an AI

Here you can read my very first chat with Sati-AI, a multi-lingual AI-powered Buddhist wisdom guide and mindfulness meditation coach. This chat took place in the early hours of December 2nd, 2023. Sati-AI Hello, how would you like to be supported today? Maggie: HI Sati-AI, how to find my soulmate? Sati-AI Ah, the journey of…

Life tree

Life tree

A few weeks ago I was given the task to first imagine, then draw my life tree. As I heard the invitation my mind instantly pictured the tree I had marveled at several times in the previous days while walking my dog in the garden close to my apartment.It is a big, strong tree, full…

Тантра Масаж Ритрийт с Елена Бочева 🔥

Тантра Масаж Ритрийт с Елена Бочева 🔥

В тази публикация споделям впечатленията и преживяването си от 3-дневния тантра масаж ритрийт в Априлци, организиран и воден от Елена Бочева в края на октомври. Моят опит с тантра Преди да споделя за преживяването си на ритрийта с Елена, искам да дам малко контекст, за да стане по-ясна траекторията, която ме доведе изобщо на този…

I recommend

I recommend

Videos: Annie Lalla, “How to embody true love” Annie Lalla, “Why you haven’t found lasting love” Annie Lalla, How to feel and conquer your emotions fully  Annie Lalla & Layla Martin, How to embody true love Don Muguel Ruiz, “We are all God” “What is it like to be you right now?” – all parts…

Love practice

Love practice

One of my inspirations, relationship coach Annie Lalla, says that when you are looking for real love, you should treat every love prospect as if they are either the One or preparation for the One. How I practice this in my life: ❤️ I do my best to be authentic and relate how I feel…

A poem on loneliness

A poem on loneliness

I have a habit of making myself lonely. I make myself lonely noticing people walking in couples on the street groups of friends sitting on park benches sharing laughter flocks of birds travelling in the same direction. remembering old times spent with people I couldn’t get enough of butterflies in my stomach that are long…

“Unorthodox”: a rejection of the normalization of female pain during sex

“Unorthodox”: a rejection of the normalization of female pain during sex

I love this paper I wrote for one of my master classes in which we were analyzing gender in literature and movies. Thinking of how painful sex has been in my personal life – physically and emotionally – I wish it was a subject of more conversation and writing. And I pride myself with having…

Creative Autobiography

Creative Autobiography

I just discovered this assignment I did 10 years ago, in 2013, for one of my first college classes, an arts class called “The Creative process”. I enjoyed reading my answers to these questions, and felt connected to my younger self, and in awe with her wisdom and depth. I can’t imagine a better first…